Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lavash Crackers with Pineapple Apricot Chutney -- Daring Bakers

This is my second Daring Bakers challenge and I'm a day late with posting, sorry! This month's challenge was chosen by Natalie at Gluten A Go Go , and Shel, at Musings From the Fishbowl . We were to make Lavash Crackers and make a gluten free and vegan dip or spread to go with them. The crackers came together easily and were fun to make, it was my first time making "crackers" although to me these tasted more like a very thin bread, probably because I did not roll my dough quite thin enough. Oh-well, they were still delicious :) We could chose whatever spices or toppings to top them with before baking and I went with a simple sprinkling of Garam Masala, my new favorite "spice," which is really a spice blend, including coriander, black pepper, cumin, cardamom, and cinnamon.

Although I am a life long vegetarian and have many many vegetarian cookbooks in my cookbook collection, I recently purchased my first 'exclusively vegan' cookbook, Vegan Express by Nava Atlas. I have lots of respect for vegans and think it is wonderful that most are so passionate about animal welfare. I have not had a chance to really look through Vegan Express yet, or try any of the delicious sounding recipes, but I did a quick flip through hoping to find an idea for our cracker topping for this Daring Bakers challenge. What I did find was a recipe for Apricot Chutney and I used that as a jumping off point for the Pineapple Apricot Chutney I made to go with the Garam Masala Lavash Crackers.

Pineapple Apricot Chutney

5.5 ounce package of Mediterranean (dried) Apricots, chopped
1 tart apple, peeled, cored, and diced
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon garam masala
1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger
1 eight ounce can crushed pineapple in juice, do not drain
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

Combine all ingredients in a small sauce pan, bring to a boil and then reduce heat and cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until most of the juice is absorbed and sauce is thickened.


Dewi said...

Congratulation on your 2nd challenge as a DB! And I like the combination of pineapple and apricot in your chutney.

Jaime said...

i love your swirly crackers! that chutney looks delicious too

Prudy said...

Oh, the dip! That looks amazing!

Eat4Fun said...

Your lavash looks great! The garam masala and the chutney sound tasty and wonderful!
Congrats on completing your second DB Challenge. :-)

Di said...

I love the way you cut them all wavy. And your chutney sounds quite tasty. Great job! =)

Anonymous said...

The chutney looks so great..! And your lavash are so amazing..

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